On January 12, 2010, the ground shook violently from the epicenter of the historic earthquake
that rocked the capital city of Port au Prince, Haiti. Over the days following the catastrophic
event, I watched in horror wondering how it was possible that anyone could have survived.
Over a decade later, and many experiences, friendships, memories, and time walking the
streets where so many broken buildings still sit, I have learned that survival is a process. It’s
not part of a singular event, but an unfolding and difficult but sometimes beautiful process.
I was more than changed by this event. Something awoke within me. I didn’t know it yet, but
Haiti would become my new home away from home, a place where I’d find a whole new part of
my family.

The first step I made was small. I needed something creative to make an impact. I began just a
few weeks after the quake when I found the pattern gifted to makers by Sarah, a self-described
“Doll & Softie Designer, and Pattern Maker”. Her designs are intended to “make a difference in
the lives of those less fortunate, especially orphaned children around the world…to provide
them with a source of comfort…to send them love, one dolly at a time!”

I read this description, saw the bright and welcoming, and colorful designs on her website, and
I got to work. I hadn’t set foot in Haiti yet, but I knew that I would make it there and I would be
taking something to place in the hands of children who might need something of a comfort to
wrap their arms around at night. So I got to work. I made one doll at a time, and that turned
into hundreds.

As a child, I had a doll that I found comfort in, and I have since passed her on to my daughter.
She’s ragged and well-loved. She’s truly a thing of fright these days, but it’s a sign that she did
her job well. I hope that the dolls I created with Sara’s free template have done the same for the
children who received them.

Sarah has an incredible variety of patterns for purchase in addition to the free pattern that I
utilized. Please check out her site! She is very talented and has a finely tuned eye for detail:

Sara’s free charity Cloth Doll Sewing Pattern is available in 8” and 10” template sizes and can
be found here:




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